Unlock The Blessings Of Faith With This Adorable Dua Teddy Bear Ameen

We all would like our children to be happy, healthy and well-behaved parents. We would like our children to be happy, caring, and, most importantly religious Muslims. With the demands of daily life and the craziness of our schedules, it is difficult to make sure that children participate regularly in Islamic practice such as adhkar, morning and evening dua. Ameen, the first dua bear to incorporate adhkar and morning dua into the lives of children around the world is the answer.

Islam’s most important feature is the capacity to conclude and begin our days with the thought of Allah SWT. Allah (SWT) reminds us in the Quran: “O you who believe, remember Allah with great fondness.” This wonderful reminder is that we must remember Allah (SWT) and both in our minds as well as through our actions. Through introducing Ameen to the lives of our children, we can ensure that they’re always engaging in the remembrance of Allah (SWT).

Ameen is much more than an ordinary teddy bear. It can be a tool to instill the faith in Allah (SWT) and Islam in our children from a young age. Ameen was created to be a companion for children and help them remember the importance of adhkar and dua. The soft, huggable and recorded adhkars and morning duas are provided so that children can learn them. Ameen can also recite adhkar and duas that parents would like their children to master.

One of the distinct features of Ameen is that it is created to be interactive. Children can press the foot of Ameen to hear the bear’s voice read the adhkar or dua whenever they press the foot. This feature is interactive and lets children interact with the duas/adkars and recite them in a exciting and fun way. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their Islamic beliefs and are encouraged to memorize and learn more duas.

Ameen is not just a toy, it is an investment in our children’s Islamic education. Ameen is an instrument that could be utilized to aid our children in the long term. Ameen is not just a reminder to do the morning and evening duas adhkar, but inspires our children with the love of the remembrance of Allah (SWT). The love for Allah will grow and flourish when our children reach maturity and become an important source of comfort and guidance for them throughout their lives.

Ameen also helps create a routine in our lives. Children thrive with routine and structure. By infusing Ameen into their routines for the morning and evening We are helping establish a regular practice of engaging in dua and adhkar. This practice that is consistent will create Allah (SWT) as the reminder of Allah an natural and essential part of the lives of our children. It will not feel forced or unnatural.

Ameen is not just for young children but for all children. The recorded Duas and the Adkar are simple and easy to learn for everyone. Ameen is also a great tool to be used by older children to help them memorize complex duas or adhkar. Through programing Ameen to recite certain duas and adhkars parents can modify the bear’s recitations so that they correspond to the age and the level of their children.

For more information, click eid gift for kids

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